Transition from "Sage on the Stage" to "Guide on the Side"
Consider being a "guide on the side" that facilitates students learning.
Sage on the Stage - an instructor who...
lectures most of the time
has the philosophy that s/he has knowledge to ‘give’ learners who would benefit from this
may focus on memorizing content
Guide on the Side - an instructor who...
facilitates learning (e.g. through collaboration)
learners discover knowledge
steers learners in ways that help them
Morrison, Charles. (2014). From ‘Sage on the Stage’ to ‘Guide on the Side’: A Good Start. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. 8. 10.20429/ijsotl.2014.080104.
Reflection Activity Facilitator Slides (link)
Consider the following question:
What are some challenges you might face when practicing the ‘guide on the side’ approach to teaching and learning? How might you overcome those challenges?